Friday, October 2, 2009

Why the Republican Party Must Be A Conservative Party

Conservatism is alive in America even though there are faint signs of life in the Beltway. The Republican has done very well as a conservative party and poorly as a Moderate to Liberal Party. Gerald Ford, Bob Dole, George W. Bush's last 2 years, and of course my hero John McCain. McCain an unquestionable national hero and unquestionable Moderate dope. McCain much like Bob Dole ran a bland and lifeless campaign the only thing did right was choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate a move that spared him from a 40 state landslide. Palin was the spark for McCain and could have been even more of a spark had McCain let Palin do more. Because of Palin, McCain carried the nearly every traditional Republican state and a few that are not so traditionally Republican including perrenial Bellweather's Missouri and Tennessee. McCain/Palin won 22 states and only traditional North Carolina, Indiana, and the now purple state of Virgina, where the Obama Money Machine clearly made the difference.
Conservatism works when it is delivered in a strong, passionate, persuasive way by a REAL CONSERVATIVE.
Is George W. Bush a real conservative, probably not, but he was more passionate and certainly more persuasive. A passionate and persuasive conservative can beat Obama anything less will fail.
Talk Radio and TV Commentators are confident, persuasive, and passionate

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